Stanley H. Gimont

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grant Programs
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC

Mr. Gimont currently serves as HUD’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grant Programs. In this role, he provides management direction and oversight for all aspects of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program including long-term disaster recovery, the HOME Investment Partnerships program, the National Housing Trust Fund as well as HUD’s environmental review responsibilities.

Mr. Gimont effectively represents HUD’s interests in these programs and initiatives to internal and external stakeholders. As Director of HUD’s Office of Block Grant Assistance from 2008-2016, he managed approximately $60 billion in Federal funding dedicated to assisting the nation’s communities in addressing community development and disaster recovery needs. As Deputy Assistant Secretary since August 2016, he has assumed broader a broader management role for HUD’s major formula programs (CDBG and HOME) and worked to promote an effective transition between Administrations in 2016 and 2017. Currently, Mr. Gimont is focused on a broad range of responsibilities associated with $35 billion in CDBG disaster recovery funding appropriated for long-term recovery from major disasters that occurred in 2017.

A career member of the Senior Executive Service since 2008, Mr. Gimont earned his BA and MPA degrees from George Washington University and holds a Masters degree in real estate development from Johns Hopkins University. In December 2015, Mr. Gimont received a Presidential Rank Award in recognition of his accomplishments in managing HUD’s community development programs and achieving nationwide results.