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We welcome the nominations of families in which the deceased parent worked - or the surviving parent continues to work - in the field of public or affordable housing, or community and economic development. To date, the Bollinger Foundation has not awarded grants outside of this priority area, and is unlikely to do so in the future.

The Foundation primarily provides funds for children's education. This can include - but is not limited to - grants towards special educational needs, school materials, and college tuition. We have also awarded funds for counseling and other special needs.

Our Board of Directors will carefully consider each application. Grants are awarded based on a family's need; there have been families where there was a devastating loss of a parent but, as there was little financial need, a grant was not awarded.


Deadline for Applications

The deadline for submitting grant applications is May 5, 2017. Please be sure to download a hardcopy nomination form (MS Word document), and return via email to Grant Riekenberg at or fax at (202) 223-4745 by the deadline.