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Past Sponsors

Past major sponsors have included:

The Appraisal Institute
Bank of America
Bank of Georgetown
The Bedner Group
Branig Capital Markets
Capital Funding Group, Inc.
Cassin & Cassin LLP
The Choice, Inc.
Column Financial
Credit Suisse
Data Interchange Standards Association
Deutsche Bank Berkshire Mortgage
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Grafton Development, LLC
International Economic Development Council
Jackson Lewis, LLP
Jefferies & Company, Inc.
The Kelly Group
The Lerner Family Foundation
L.S. Caldwell & Associates
Martell & Associates
Montgomery Blair Hackers
The Mortgage Bankers Association
Mortgage Insurance Companies of America
The National Association of Realtors
The National Leased Housing Association
The National Multi Housing Council
Nixon Peabody, LLP
Prudential Mortgage Capital Company
Public Housing Authorities Directors Association
Reznick Group
Richard A. Hall, P.C.
Sava Senior Care
The Tarrance Group, Inc.
Valis Associates
Walker & Dunlop
Wells Fargo Multifamily Capital