Single Speakers


Google's UI Designer


Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.

All session by Laurence Francis

  • Monday12/05/2015
  • Tuesday13/05/2015
  • Wednesday14/05/2015
  • Thursday15/05/2015
  • Friday16/05/2015
  • Saturday17/05/2015
10:00 AM

Adobe Photoshop beginner course

12:00 AM

The latest design standarts for web

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

02:00 PM

How to create vectors with Adobe Illustrator

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

Laurence Francis
04:00 PM

Build awesome templates with Adobe Photoshop

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

06:00 PM

Presentation professional wordpress developers

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

10:00 AM

Adobe Photoshop beginner course

12:00 AM

The latest design standarts for web

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

02:00 PM

How to create vectors with Adobe Illustrator

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

04:00 PM

Build awesome templates with Adobe Photoshop

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

Laurence Francis
06:00 PM

Presentation professional wordpress developers

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

10:00 AM

Adobe Photoshop beginner course

12:00 AM

The latest design standarts for web

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

02:00 PM

How to create vectors with Adobe Illustrator

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

04:00 PM

Build awesome templates with Adobe Photoshop

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

06:00 PM

Presentation professional wordpress developers

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

10:00 AM

Adobe Photoshop beginner course

12:00 AM

The latest design standarts for web

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

02:00 PM

How to create vectors with Adobe Illustrator

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

04:00 PM

Build awesome templates with Adobe Photoshop

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

06:00 PM

Presentation professional wordpress developers

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

10:00 AM

Adobe Photoshop beginner course

12:00 AM

The latest design standarts for web

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

02:00 PM

How to create vectors with Adobe Illustrator

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

04:00 PM

Build awesome templates with Adobe Photoshop

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

06:00 PM

Presentation professional wordpress developers

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

10:00 AM

Adobe Photoshop beginner course

12:00 AM

The latest design standarts for web

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

02:00 PM

How to create vectors with Adobe Illustrator

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

04:00 PM

Build awesome templates with Adobe Photoshop

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

06:00 PM

Presentation professional wordpress developers

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.


All of our virtual professionals are highly experienced in the areas in which they work and have been through a thorough recruitment process.